Where Curling PinHeads Hang Out!

Many Curlers love to gift, collect, and trade lapel pins.

Welcome! The House of Curling Pins site has over 21,000 Curling related lapel pin images from more than 50 countries for fun, and all your categorization needs.

A handful of collectors graciously provided scans from their collections to help us launch this website - Thank you! Now that we're being viewed by more people, we've received a number of scans of missing items, feedback for corrections, and so many lovely comments. We appreciate everyone who is participating in expanding and perfecting the site. The more the merrier!

Our primary objective is creating a comprehensive Curling Pin reference site for collectors.

Wanna send us pictures of missing pins (please!)? Have an idea, feedback, or want to help? We'd love to hear from you! If you have a photo to submit, we prefer 500x500 pixels square and under 500KB. However! We will happily accept any photos of missing pins and/or pin variants, with permission to publish them!

Thank you (in advance) fellow Curling Enthusiasts and PinHeads! Email addresses are under Contact Us in the navigation bar.

Note: Use landscape mode for best mobile/small screen viewing experience.